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the Hispanic Society of Victoria

Founded in 1952 the Hispanic Society of Victoria is a non-profit organisation that celebrates cultural interchange between Australian, Spanish and Latin American people via a series of engaging cultural activities.

Pueblos Originarios 


La Sociedad Hispana de Victoria reconoce al pueblo Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung de la Nación Kulin como el pueblo originario de las tierras de la actual ciudad de Whitehorse y presenta sus respetos a los líderes Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung pasados, presentes y emergentes.






Become a member

Become a member to stay updated on our upcoming events, receive special offers and discounts and get involved with our lively community. 

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Fund us

Become a patron to help us expand our work. Sponsor or donate your goods or services for upcoming activities.


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Upcoming activities

See our calendar of events and activities for the the latest news.

Get to know us

Meet our committee of management.



"I joined the Hispanic Society when I arrived to Australia in 1982. From that time till today I have enjoyed many tertulias …wonderful talks, lovely music, exotic meals and plenty of dancing…It is heartwarming to meet Australians who are attracted to our culture and traditions, this makes the tapestry of our celebrations..."

Impressions from Ana Irene Gioino-Blythman


I congratulate the 70th anniversary of the Hispanic Society of Victoria! In our community, this historic event is a cultural triumph in the face of the cultural and language challenges faced by thousands of migrants in Victoria. I congratulate all its leaders who for decades have carried out important social and cultural days in a totally voluntary way, aware of the benefit it brings to all! The celebrations of the Hispanic Society of Victoria contribute significantly to the multicultural unity and diversity of our state, and therefore to its harmony. For many more decades of life and celebrations! Thank you for existing and serving!

Message from Telmo Languiller
Former Speaker of the Victorian Legislative Assembly

Contact Us


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We are very grateful for the ongoing support of businesses, organisations and local and foreign governments.

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